Sedation dentistry, also known as pain-free sedation, is a technique that utilizes medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. This can include oral sedation, inhaled sedation (nitrous oxide), and IV sedation. This method benefits patients who experience anxiety, fear, or phobia about dental procedures.
Sedation dentistry helps patients to relax and reduce their stress levels. They will be in a state of consciousness where they can respond to verbal commands, but they will feel more relaxed and less aware of the procedures. In some cases, they may not even remember the procedure.
The use of sedation dentistry can have a positive impact on a patient’s dental health. It can encourage patients who have been avoiding the dentist due to fear or anxiety to keep their appointments and maintain their dental regimen.
According to the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation, it’s estimated that 30% of the population avoids the dentist due to fear. By offering pain-free sedation as an option during procedures such as fillings or root canals, dental professionals can give patients the comfort and reassurance they need to keep those appointments and avoid more severe dental issues in the future.
How does sedation help during a root canal procedure?
Sedation dentistry can be especially beneficial during a lengthy root canal procedure. Root canal treatment typically involves multiple steps, including removing the infected pulp, cleaning and shaping the root canals, and filling and sealing the canals.
A lengthy root canal procedure can be uncomfortable and cause anxiety and fear in patients who are already nervous about dental procedures. Sedation dentistry can help to reduce these feelings and make the process more comfortable for the patient.
The use of sedation can help reduce pain and discomfort and make the patient feel more relaxed and at ease. It also can make the procedure go smoother as the patient is more flexible, leading to less movement during the process and making it easier for the dentist to work. This can help shorten the procedure’s overall duration and provide a better outcome.
In addition, sedation dentistry can be beneficial for patients who have difficulty staying still or have a strong gag reflex during the procedure. The patient’s reduced awareness and increased relaxation can help make the process more manageable and less stressful for the patient.
Dr. Phan will evaluate your medical history and condition to see if you are a candidate for this additive procedure, and it is essential to note that it may not be suitable for all patients.